Monday, May 4, 2009

Final idea

This final idea describe our statement. We choose Mouse rid a brush as the object because FCM itself about multimedia. And as we can see at the image, there is a moon. And at the moon, we can see 5 major that in FCM. There are 2 meteors, money and failed. As student we afraid if get failed and money also our problem.

Ideas 2

Those are two modified idea that we make. We modified again become more directly about FCM.

Ideas 1

This is a picture of lamp. This picture is represent how brave and strong lamp. Beside that, from this picture we can know, lamp is pioneer electricity for make the world more light.

This picture of ball fire. But in this ball fire, we make the ball is eye. That for meaning be the first of seeing something. And the fire mean,the passion what they see.

Those two picture have same depiction. The first image is the first monkey that went to the moon and the second image is the first human that debark to the moon. Those picture describe about pioneer and how brave they are to do that.

The Idea

For represent the design statement, we choose astronaut for the object. Because he the astronaut who can go to moon.

The Desaign Statement

" FCM is pioneer and we are not afraid"

it's a sentence our choose for represent about FCM.

Essay about FCM

FCM Always Make The Best Effort For Their Student

Multimedia University was the first private university to be set up in Cyberjaya. The Multimedia University has specializing in Engineering, Information Technology, Management, and especially for Creative Multimedia. The Faculty of Creative Multimedia is considered pioneers in the realm of digital multimedia design in Malaysia. The reason why The Faculty of Creative Multimedia is created is because in the future, we will find that the influence of technology, especially digital technology is indispensable. Technology has developed and changed the way we express ourselves, communicate, understand and interact with the world around us. From the FCM official website, the faculty want multimedia for changed the entertainment, education, advertising, product, games and broadcast industry as the way we look in our life. Beside that the faculty always want the student know what is real and what is imaginary, and we not to forget the ‘creative minds’ that have made possible. Although the wish of FCM all not success yet, the Faculty Creative of Multimedia always try to give as the best as possible.

Firstly, We want to discuss about the majoring in FCM. There are five major. First, Interface Design; this major provides an exploration, redefinition and experimentation of the interaction and the interface between humans and the information and communication technologies (ICT). Second, Media Innovation; this major emphasizes the creation of advertising driven content through innovative multimedia applications. Third, Film and Animation; this major integrates film making concepts with animation skills and 3D animation and video technology. Fourth, Virtual Reality; this major focuses on the study of the development process of interactive virtual reality applications, focusing on education and entertainment, using real-time computer graphics and immersed multimedia technologies. And last is Digital Media; this major emphasizes the creation of information driven content in the digital technology realm. The student needs a specific GPA to enter one of the major that they want. If the student cannot reach the standard GPA, the faculty will direct the student to the other major. It can give inspiration for student to be enthusiastic in education, so they can reach a good mark in GPA.

Secondly, we discuss about the placement. In FCM, there are four placements. Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta. In Alpha or also we can said foundation, the role of foundation studies is to provide suitable ground and basic skills especially in drawings and basic computer graphics application and media production technique. In Beta, students get more specific lesson and it depend with the major that want to accept them. In Gamma, we get higher placement than Beta and in this placement, we get internship program. This program is to make student adapt with work environment. Last, in Delta, we must prepare for Final Year Project (FYP). This project really important because from this we can know and choose a good job and also this project is requirement if we want pass and graduate from this university.

Third, is about student around FCM. There are 2 type of student in FCM, local and international. We find that the local students are in 3 races, which are Indian, Chinese and Malay. And for the International, they come from many cities, which are from Indonesia, Arab, Iran, Africa, Kazakhstan and many more. The local student lives in a very good communication among each other. They attempt to be friendly and funny but some of them are really moody. In other hand the international student has many behavior and personality, some of them are aggressive some of them are acting cool and trying to be modern some of them are crazy and really creative in many ways. Sometimes the local student and International student have a miscommunication and mostly because language. Beside that, there’s a gap between local and international student. For solve this problem, the faculty make an ice breaking event, like; every major presenting a trip or activities to associate international and local student.

Fourth, is about facilities in FCM. The facilities in FCM sometimes not support student to be creative. For example, some of the computer in lab didn’t work very well, because PC’s internal errors and viruses. But for this problem the faculty always attempt improve the PC’s performance and maintenance. For example, now the FCM make a lab that contains Mac pro for support post production laboratory. And for support student to present their artworks in public, the FCM makes e-gallery.

As a conclusion, The Faculty of Multimedia was the first faculty to offer Bachelors (Hons) Degree in multimedia and multimedia design. Because of that, being a pioneer comes with certain risks. It involves vision, courage and persistence to forge ahead and succeed in an uncharted territory. The FCM always wanted make a good design and quality of work rest in our perception of intention, purpose and plan. Although all plan didn’t works very well, the FCM always make the best effort for their student. The faculty will direct to other major if the student can’t reach a good mark GPA for what major their chosen. The faculty guide student for adaption with work environment when they are internship program in gamma level. For associate international and local student, the faculty makes an activity for ice breaking. And the last the faculty try as they could to improvement their facilities for support student to be more creative.

Mind Mapping

This is our mind mapping about FCM. We make this mind map in adobe illustrator cs3. This mind map we separated into 5 point, there is major, placement, student, facilities and superior. And then, we separated again every each of that point.

Thematic Project

For this project we must make a group. The theme about this project is about FCM. This project is all about produce new idea or finding new uses for old ideas. From this project we can learn how to search and carry a good ideas for solve any problem.

The Scary Cat

Random Word

The meaning of the random word is about random association is an idea generation method which allows students to systematically generate new ideas through a fixed formula. The whole premise of Random Association is to use a Random Word to provoke a reaction from the brain.

Our Poetry Exercise

# Chilli and Love

Love is like chili.
The bright color of it and how spicy the taste,
same like whe you are fall in love.


#Sport car and Life

Life is like sport car
For take care you must spend a lot money
For speed you must control very careful
And if you get accident the consequency is big and exspensive to repair that.

#Garbage and man

Man is like garbage
Sometimes it may look useless
But you'll never know what you can find inside.


The meaning of juxtaposition is a placing or being placed in nearness or contiguity, or side by side; as a juxtaposition of words.Many creative processes relies on juxtaposition. The act of juxtaposing is to place two objects or words next to each other. What automatically happens is that there is transference of meaning. Usually from something familiar to something less familiar.

This week i learn about juxtaposition. Firstly, i don't understand about that. But because the lesson, i finally understand. For this topic, the lecture give us a some exercise. This exercise make us more easy to understand what meaning of juxtaposition. The name for first exercise is "How mergers go wrong". This exercise is about create a one animal from 2 different animal. But we must create the impossible animal, which is the animal cant life in the world. For this exercise, i make a Pigylion. There is a mergers from pig and lion. But, obvious my animal is wrong. The true answer is Birdfish. This is a mergers from fish and bird. The reason why the animal is impossible is because they have different place for life, one in sea and the another in sky. This a example that animal.

The another exercise is how to make a poetry from picture. For example we create poetry about love from a picture mountain and sky. The poetry we can create for this picture is like this...

Love is like oxygen
You get too much you get too high
Not enough and you're gonna die
Love gets you high

Our Artwork

My Artwork-Amanda Indrarini

My Artwork-Dania Mugi Astari

My Artwork-Reynaldi Widia Fachriza

Our Favourite Quotations

My favourite quotations - Amanda Indrarini
"The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president. You realize that you control your own destiny."
-Albert Ellis

My favourite quotations - Dania Mugi Astari
"Just focus on your responsibility and never give up in everything ways, because we never teach you like that."
-Tri Pri Hatiyanto Prawirodiredjo & Erna Noviaty-

My favourite quotations - Reynaldy Widia Fachriza
"A great artwork came from a great torment."
-Reynaldi Widya Fachriza .N-

Our Mind Mapping

My Mind Mapping-Amanda Indrarini

This is a example a mind mapping about me. I make this mind map in photoshop cs3. This mind map i separated to 4 point, there is people, good habits, knowledge and bad habits. I use a lot of photo as atribute, its can make people easy to understand about my mind mapping.

My Mind Mapping-Dania Mugi Astari

This is a example a mind mapping about me (Dania). I make this mind map in adobe illustration cs3. This mind map i separated to 4 point, there is love, character, goals and bad habits.

My Mind Mapping-Reynaldi Widia Fachriza

Mind Mapping

A mind map is a diagram used to represent words,ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged radially around a central key word or idea. Mind maps are used to generate, visualize, structure, and classify ideas, and as an aid in study,organization, problem solving, decision making, and writing.

.. from
This week in mlc class i learn about mind mapping.Actually about mind map i have done learn in my alpha semester. In alpha i learn all about mind map because at mdf class, the lecturer compel us to make a lot of category mind mapping from another topic. Mind mapping useful to make us easy get the point to solve the problem.

Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention.

For this topic, i choose duo google as a public figure. The reason why I choose duo google is because they have all quality for this topic.

First, its novelty. Novelty is the quality of being new. Although it may be said to have an objective dimension (e.g. a new style of art coming into being, such as abstract art or impressionism) it essentially exists in the subjective perceptions of individuals. From this definition, of course the duo google have that qualification.
They make Google when nobody else make a website like that. And Google is coming into being a popular website until now.

Second, its creativity. Everyone must be agree with me, for create a website like google we must very creative and smart. So, the duo google absolutely creative.

Third, its Innovation. The definition Innovation is the process of making improvements by introducing something new, the realization of a creative idea in a social context. Innovation is a process by which an idea or invention is translated into a good or service for which people will pay. From Internet i get a information about google, there is Google's initial public offering took place on August 19, 2004, raising US$1.67 billion, making it worth US$23 billion. From that fact, we can know duo google have qualification to be innovation. Because they get many profit from the website. Beside that Google has continued its growth through a series of new product developments, acquisitions, and partnerships.

Four, its Invention. The reason why the duo google have a qualification for invention its because they can create a new website from the original idea. Beside that, they invention its really help us to search many information.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Our First MLC Class

My first MLC class- Amanda Indrarini

Actually the MLC class is beginning in week 1. But, because i late apply this subject, i entry this class in week 3. First i came to MLC class, I don't know what i must do. Because I don't have any idea about the lesson in this class. Moreover I'm a little bit confused about this class. Because last week I don't come, I don't know if the lecture make a 2 class in Tuesday and Wednesday. But after my friend explanation, I'm understand. So i choose a class in Tuesday, because the time is more available for me.This class is very busier. Almost entire class is fuelled people. There are many student from different major in FCM. Although this class is busier, i like the class ambiance. Because many my friends add this subject. So its make me not boring in class. hehe

My first MLC class- Dania Mugi Astari

When the MLC class started, i didn't come in the first week. Because i late applied this subject, i entry the class on week 3. When i came to the MLC class, i don't understand about anything. From the subject itself to the student at MLC class. But after i asked the lecture and some of friends, i become understand about everything and i know what i have to do now. Little by little, i became like this subject and especially the class ambiance. : )

My first MLC class- Reynaldy Widya Fachriza

Cannot absorb the lesson because to much student. Really hard for me to understand.